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26 août 2009


Marc Duchesne

This plan has been confirmed this morning at the RuraliTIC conference by Mr Michel Mercier, minister of Rural Area & Regional Planning : "Ultra-Broadband To Everyone" is the motto of the french government.

Of course, you're absolutely right: the consortium has to be an Open Access one. Fiber To The Home is the vehicle for true Personal Care Services, including the most critical ones such as e-Health, which traditional telecoms operators, even if incumbent, leader, and innovative, are unable to provide on a pure independent / non-proprietary manner.
The question is: will those private telcos accept to fund this future nation-wide network and in the meantime accept Open Access? When I look at the technology pushed by FT-Orange, I have some doubts.

Olivier Zablocki

When you describe "the structure to be successful", I think you forget an essential third part which must be there, around the table. This very presence is THE condition "sine qua non" to succeed.

It's time for Covage to talk with this third part and, maybe, to be the first company to talk seriously with it. As we are used to talk with this forgotten part (Marc Duchesne and myself) I am sure we can help you to meet and debate with it.

Sorry for this kind of teasing but it is essential to introduce the subject on a safe and confidential mode. The truth is not very pleasant to hear for many potential shareholders ears. So, it is when you like and where you like.

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