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20 avril 2010


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Interesting study indeed. But I am not sure I understand the methodology used. What (micro-level) data have they used ? How did they collect it? Which criterias have been incorporated in the analysis? No info on that, it seems.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with what they say in the end. We at SNG (www.sngroup.com) have developed another approach - after 10 years of assessing the economic impact of broadband networks. We reach similar conclusions - only we can back them up with hard, micro-level data. Collected on the ground, from thousands of businesses and organizations. We currently do this type of work for the states of Louisiana, North Carolina and Kentucky in the Unied-States (part of the Obama Stimulus package). We have done similar jobs for the gov'ts of Australia or Canada.

Disclosure : we bid on the CDC study, and werent chosen - too expensive, we were told. When you pay peanuts... :)

Pierre Guillery
[email protected]
M: +33 (0)6 8434 8992
Strategic Networks Group

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